Dietary guidelines throughout the world are increasingly recommending freshly made meals and minimally or unprocessed foods in place of ultra-processed foods, as defined by the NOVA food classifica
Information related to food and nutrition comes from many sources and in many forms.
Human nutrition randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have unique considerations and conducting them with the highest scientific rigor is essential to the development of evidence-based dietary guidan
Human nutrition randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have unique considerations and conducting them with the highest scientific rigor is essential to the development of evidence-based dietary guidan
Human nutrition randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have unique considerations and conducting them with the highest scientific rigor is essential to the development of evidence-based dietary guidan
The United Nations Food System Summit has called for a radical transformation of food systems in order to achieve many of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Dive into the world of project management with the ASN SIG webinar, "Project Management: Tips and Tricks for Managing Projects Beyond Graduate School and Refining Your Skills." This engaging sessio
There is an increasing number of graduate students and post-docs who have interest in pursuing non-academic careers, such as the industry path.
It’s vital for constituents to share their voice with elected officials regarding the importance of nutrition research and science to help shape funding and other policy decisions.
Originally presented at NUTRITION 2024, ASN's flagship meeting which was held June 29 to July 2, 2024 in Chicago, IL.