Sponsored Satellite Program: Cut the Salt, Not the Flavor: Evidence-Based Solutions for Reducing Sodium

Sponsored By: Ajinomoto Health and Nutrition 

This Sponsored Satellite Program was originally presented as part of NUTRITION 2022.

While historically it was difficult for humans to get sufficient salt in their diet, we now have the opposite problem. On average and particularly in developed nations, people are consuming double the World Health Organization’s recommendations for sodium. It has been estimated that reducing sodium intakes can prevent thousands of deaths annually and save billions in medical costs. 

So how do we solve this problem when humans have an inherent preference for salty taste? And are there strategies that can be leveraged to reduce sodium without sacrificing this preference? Sensory scientist Dr. Gary Beauchamp and food scientist Dr. Soo-Yeun Lee will speak to current challenges in sodium consumption, and some of the most promising evidence-based solutions.

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss multiple roles of sodium in foods and major sources of sodium in the food supply
  • Discuss guidelines by the US FDA to reduce sodium and the complexities of reducing this ingredient in different food categories
  • Evaluate tools available for sodium reduction across different food applications reported in the literature and discuss progress in sodium reduction using flavor enhancers and future opportunities
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.50 Attendance

    Learners are eligible to download a Certificate of Attendance upon activity completion. A Certificate of Attendance confirms the learner has completed the activity and does not confer any continuing education credit to the learner from ASN.

Course opens: 
Course expires: 

This Sponsored Satellite Program includes the following presentations:

  • Opening Remarks 
  • Cut the Salt, Not the Flavor
  • Strategies for Sodium Reduction and Assessment through Sensory Evaluation 
  • Panel Discussion and Q&A

Chair:  Sarah G. Corwin, PhD, LDN – Sr Principal Scientist, Ajinomoto Health & Nutrition North America, Inc

Speaker:  Gary K. Beauchamp, PhD – Distinguished Member, Director and President Emeritus, Monell Chemical Senses Center

Speaker:  Soo-Yeun Lee, PhD – Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Available Credit

  • 1.50 Attendance

    Learners are eligible to download a Certificate of Attendance upon activity completion. A Certificate of Attendance confirms the learner has completed the activity and does not confer any continuing education credit to the learner from ASN.


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