A Behind the Scenes Look at the Development of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans are released every five years by the US Departments of Agriculture (USDA) and Health and Human Services (HHS). With each edition, the process evolves along with nutrition science and the methodology for reviewing it. In the first webinar in this three-part series, Federal nutrition staff will detail the nomination and selection process for the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC). Members of the Committee will describe the three rigorous, protocol-driven approaches used to review the current evidence base. The utilization of the Committee’s work by USDA and HHS when writing the Guidelines will be described, along with the review process and implementation of the policy document.
This activity was organized by the ASN Committee on Advocacy and Science Policy (CASP).
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Janet M. de Jesus, MS, RD
Nutrition Advisor, Division of Prevention Science
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health
Eve Essery Stoody, PhD
Designated Federal Officer and Director
Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
Food and Nutrition Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Richard Mattes, PhD, RD
Past President, ASN
Member of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee
Purdue University
Barbara Schneeman, PhD
Chair, 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee
University of California, Davis
Learning Objectives
- Discuss the procedures for establishing the DGAC and the charter governing the Committee’s work.
- Describe the three methods used by the DGAC to evaluate the scientific evidence.
- Summarize the process for developing, reviewing, and translating the Dietary Guidelines.
Performance Indicators for Registered Dietitians
- 12.1.1 Promotes nutrition programs and resources to address issues of food security, nutritional health and overall health and wellness
- 12.1.3 Collaborates with community partners and stakeholders in promoting nutritional health and disease prevention
- 12.3.5 Takes into consideration public health policies and standards related to food and nutrition
- 8.3.6 Keeps abreast of current nutrition and dietetics knowledge and trends
Disclosure Policy
The American Society for Nutrition supports fair and unbiased participation of individuals in its education activities. Any real or potential conflicts of interest must be identified and managed. All relevant financial relationships with commercial interests that directly impact and/or might conflict with ASN activities must be disclosed, or disclosure that no relevant financial relationships exist must be documented. Other relationships that could cause private interests to conflict with professional interests must also be disclosed. This policy is intended to openly identify any potential conflict so that participants in an education activity are able to form their own judgments about the presentation. In addition, disclosure must be made of presentations on drugs or devices or uses of drugs or devices that have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
Janet M. de Jesus, MS, RD
Nutrition Advisor, Division of Prevention Science
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health
No relevant financial relationship(s) with ineligible companies to disclose.
Eve Essery Stoody, PhD
Designated Federal Officer and Director
Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
Food and Nutrition Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
No relevant financial relationship(s) with ineligible companies to disclose.
Richard Mattes, PhD, RD
Past President, ASN
Member of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee
Purdue University
Disclosures: Grant and Research Support: Almond Board of California, Welch's, Gelesis; Scientific Advisory Board/Consultant/Board of Directors: Grains Food Foundation, Mars, Inc.
Barbara Schneeman, PhD
Chair, 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee
University of California, Davis
Disclosures: Scientific Advisory Board/Consultant/Board of Directors: McCormick Science Institute, International Food Information Council Board of Trustees
Accreditation Statement and Credit Designation
Dietitians/Dietetic Technicians
ASN (Provider #NS010) is accredited and approved by the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) as a provider of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) programs for Registered Dietitians. ASN designates this activity for a maximum of 1.0 CPE credit.
Activity Type: Recorded pre-approved CPE Activity: 175 Lectures/Webinars
Activity Number: 160720
CPE Level 2
Performance Indicators/Learning Objectives
- 12.1.1 Promotes nutrition programs and resources to address issues of food security, nutritional health and overall health and wellness
- 12.1.3 Collaborates with community partners and stakeholders in promoting nutritional health and disease prevention
- 12.3.5 Takes into consideration public health policies and standards related to food and nutrition
- 8.3.6 Keeps abreast of current nutrition and dietetics knowledge and trends
Other Learners
Learners who take this course will receive a Certificate of Attendance. This certificate does not confer continuing education credit and indicates the course has been completed.
Available Credit
- 1.00 Attendance
Learners are eligible to download a Certificate of Attendance upon activity completion. A Certificate of Attendance confirms the learner has completed the activity and does not confer any continuing education credit to the learner from ASN.
- 1.00 CPE for Registered Dietitians
ASN (Provider #NS010) is accredited and approved by the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) as a provider of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) programs for Registered Dietitians.
ASN designates this activity for a maximum of 1.00 CPE credits.
Special ASN Member Benefit - Free to Members!
ASN members receive this course for free. Login now to get the special free member rate. If you do not see the member rate displayed for you after logging in, please contact [email protected].
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