The Art and Science of Evidence-based Communication: A Nutrition Scientist’s Guide

Nutrition scientists are in a position to both create knowledge and communicate findings, including to the public who must contend with a sea of inaccurate information. Consumers are juggling fearful headlines, competing priorities and complicated realities, adding layers of complexity to a scientist’s role in inspiring healthier yet realistic food choices. In this session, speakers will provide insights on the public’s perception of popular nutrition and health concepts, highlight the hierarchy of scientific evidence, explore the role of emotion in food decisions, and share best practices on how to inspire various audiences to make healthful, evidence-based nutrition decisions. Regardless of where you work—a research setting, in the classroom, clinical, community, or communication—elevating your science communication skills will help convey your expertise to the public.

Originally presented at NUTRITION 2024, ASN's flagship meeting which was held June 29 to July 2, 2024 in Chicago, IL.

Organized by the International Food Information Council (IFIC) and ASN


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ASN members receive this course for 50% off. Login now to get the $7.50 special member rate. If you do not see the member rate displayed for you after logging in, please contact [email protected].

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Andrew W. Brown, PhD
Associate Professor
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and Arkansas Children's Research Institute

Brandon McFadden, PhD
Professor and Tyson Endowed Chair in Food Policy Economics
Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
University of Arkansas

Tim Sellnow, PhD
Risk Communication Specialist
Clemson University

Milton Stokes, PhD, MPH, RD
Senior Director, Food & Nutrition
International Food Information Council


Learning Objectives

  • Identify the factors that influence consumer trust in science
  • Describe emotion and principles of behavioral economics and how they influence food decisions
  • Explore the hierarchy of scientific evidence and assessment for hazard and risk
  • Critically analyze media reporting on peer-reviewed research and implement best practices for effectively communicating evidence-based information
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.50 Attendance

    Learners are eligible to download a Certificate of Attendance upon activity completion. A Certificate of Attendance confirms the learner has completed the activity and does not confer any continuing education credit to the learner from ASN.

Course opens: 
Course expires: 

This activity includes the following presentations:

Welcome and Introductions - The Art and Science of Evidence-based Communication: A Nutrition Scientist’s Guide

Milton Stokes, PhD, MPH, RD
Senior Director, Food & Nutrition
International Food Information Council

The Role of Behavior Economics in Consumer Food Choices and Implications for Science Communications

Brandon McFadden, PhD
Professor and Tyson Endowed Chair in Food Policy Economics
Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
University of Arkansas

Hierarchy of Scientific Evidence

Andrew W. Brown, PhD
Associate Professor
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and Arkansas Children's Research Institute

Practical Applications and Best Practices

Tim Sellnow, PhD
Risk Communication Specialist
Clemson University

Panel Discussion 

Disclosure Policy

It is the policy of the American Society of Nutrition, in compliance with the Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education to ensure that education presents learners with only accurate, balanced, and scientifically justified recommendations and protects learners from promotion, marketing, and commercial bias. ASN requires disclosure of all financial interest that the planning committee (including ASN staff) or faculty members have with ineligible companies. All faculty and contributors to this continuing education activity have disclosed any relevant financial relationship that may have direct bearing on the subject matter of this program. Specific disclosure information is in the course materials. 

The American Society for Nutrition supports fair and unbiased participation of individuals in its education activities. Any real or potential conflicts of interest must be identified and managed. All relevant financial relationships with commercial interests that directly impact and/or might conflict with ASN activities must be disclosed, or disclosure that no relevant financial relationships exist must be documented. Other relationships that could cause private interests to conflict with professional interests must also be disclosed. This policy is intended to openly identify any potential conflict so that participants in an education activity are able to form their own judgments about the presentation. In addition, disclosure must be made of presentations on drugs or devices or uses of drugs or devices that have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.


Andrew W. Brown, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and Arkansas Children's Research Institute
Disclosure(s): Alliance for Potato Research and Education: Grant/Research Support (Ongoing); Speaker/Speaker's Bureau (Ongoing), American Egg Board: Grant/Research Support (Terminated), Calorie, Control Council: Speaker/Speaker's Bureau (Terminated), Hass Avocado Board: Grant/Research Support (Ongoing), International Food Information Council Foundation: Speaker/Speaker's Bureau (Terminated), National Cattlemen’s Beef Association: Consultant (Terminated); Grant/Research Support (Terminated), Potatoes USA: Speaker/Speaker's Bureau (Terminated), Soy Nutrition Institute Global: Consultant (Ongoing)

Brandon McFadden, PhD, Professor and Tyson Endowed Chair in Food Policy Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, University of Arkansas
No relevant financial relationship(s) with ineligible companies to disclose.

Tim Sellnow, PhD, Risk Communication Specialist, Clemson University
No relevant financial relationship(s) with ineligible companies to disclose.

Milton Stokes, PhD, MPH, RD, Senior Director, Food & Nutrition, International Food Information Council
Disclosure(s): Bayer Crop Science: Consultant (Terminated, August 1, 2023), Porter Novelli for their client Bayer: Consultant (Terminated, January 1, 2023)

Continuing education credit is not available for this activity. A Certificate of Attendance can be downloaded by learners who complete the course.

Available Credit

  • 1.50 Attendance

    Learners are eligible to download a Certificate of Attendance upon activity completion. A Certificate of Attendance confirms the learner has completed the activity and does not confer any continuing education credit to the learner from ASN.


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ASN members receive this course for 50% off. Login now to get the $7.50 special member rate. If you do not see the member rate displayed for you after logging in, please contact [email protected].

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