Getting Your Message Across to Congress
It’s vital for constituents to share their voice with elected officials regarding the importance of nutrition research and science to help shape funding and other policy decisions. This webinar will guide ASN members in effectively communicating with members of Congress and other elected officials. It will showcase ASN resources available to help members communicate nutrition research policy issues of importance and will show researchers how to use these same skills in communicating nutrition science messages to Congress, state and local elected officials and their staff.
Organized by ASN's Committee on Advocacy and Science Policy (CASP)
To access the recording of this webinar, click here. Registration is required to view the recording.
Nancy Chapman, MPH, RD
N. Chapman and Associates
Amanda MacFarlane, PhD
Chair, ASN Committee on Advocacy and Science Policy (CASP)
Founding Director, Texas A&M Agriculture, Food, and Nutrition Evidence Center
Christine Taylor, PhD
Past Chair, ASN Committee on Advocacy and Science Policy
Lisa Troy, PhD
Member, ASN Committee on Advocacy and Science Policy (CASP)
Associate Professor of Nutrition, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Learning Objectives
- Describe how to effectively communicate with Congressional offices and other elected officials
- Recognize ASN advocacy resources available to help ASN members get their message across
- Review the work of ASN’s Committee on Advocacy and Science Policy
This webinar will include the following presentations:
Welcome Remarks / Introductions
Amanda MacFarlane, PhD
Chair, ASN Committee on Advocacy and Science Policy (CASP)
Founding Director, Texas A&M Agriculture, Food, and Nutrition Evidence Center
Getting Your Message Across - How to Effectively Communicate With Congress
Nancy Chapman, MPH, RD
N. Chapman and Associates
Getting Your Message Across - The importance of Relationship Building Member, ASN Committee on Advocacy and Science Policy (CASP)
Lisa Troy, PhD
Member, ASN Committee on Advocacy and Science Policy (CASP)
Associate Professor of Nutrition, University of Massachusetts Amherst
ASN Advocacy Resources - Overview of ASN Information Briefs: Building an NHANES for the Future; Building Dietary Guidelines for the Future; and Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs)
Christine Taylor, PhD
Past Chair, ASN Committee on Advocacy and Science Policy
Closing Remarks / Questions & Answers
Amanda MacFarlane, PhD
Chair, ASN Committee on Advocacy and Science Policy (CASP)
Founding Director, Texas A&M Agriculture, Food, and Nutrition Evidence Center
Available Credit
- 1.00 Attendance
Learners are eligible to download a Certificate of Attendance upon activity completion. A Certificate of Attendance confirms the learner has completed the activity and does not confer any continuing education credit to the learner from ASN.
To access the recording of this webinar, click here. Registration is required to view the recording.